Hetty Hetty

Ce qui est laminé sur bois?

Laminated wood panel is a kind of solid wood veneer or thin board, so that the fiber directions of adjacent veneers are perpendicular to each other, and each layer is glued with adhesive and stacked layer by layer according to a reasonable layout method, and then formed by hot pressing sheet. The thin plates used are

Ce qui est laminé sur bois? Lire la suite »

Qu'est-ce qu'Eco Contreplaqué ?

Eco plywood is a type of plywood that’s been treated with bio-based materials. The most common type of eco-plywood uses soy-based resin, but other types use other plant-based resins as well.Eco Plywood has many benefits over traditional plywood because it’s made from renewable resources and does not contain any toxic chemicals or formaldehyde. It also has

Qu'est-ce qu'Eco Contreplaqué ? Lire la suite »

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